Posts Tagged ‘Pumpkin Pie Spice’

Mix It Up

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Making Your Own Mixes Can Save You Big


For years I purchased packaged mixes. You know the ones – chili, salad dressing, marinades and drinks. They may be quick and easy to use, but who needs all those chemicals so often used in processed foods coursing through your veins much less the increased cost of buying in small qualities. In just a few minutes on a slow evening you can create all of your family’s favorite mixes. Most ingredients will be in your stocked pantry and the ones you need to buy will cost a fraction per serving over the mixes you’re already buying.

Take for instance, Pumpkin Pie Spice. A container that weighs less than an ounce can cost between $3 and $4. But, if you have a well stocked pantry you probably already have all the ingredients you need to make your own – minus the preservatives that are added to commercially made mixes.

So take a few minutes and whip up your family’s favorites or most often used mixes. When stored in air tight containers they will last for months. Recycled pint-sized jars make the perfect container for most mixes, and have room for labels and recipes so they can be refilled later. Read the rest of the story »

Fall Begins

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall begins Leaves
This morning was dark and chilly, and the fog hung low over the farm like a vale. The temperature was in the low 40’s here. It was the first morning that I needed layers of thermals and sweatshirts and warm gloves to do the morning chores. It was the coldest morning so far, and when I exhaled my breath swirled up into the dim morning light like smoke out of a chimney.

Brianne is on a senior class retreat up in the mountains, so feeding falls to me. I scooped out grain for the lambs; it made a loud crashing noise in the quiet morning as it hit the metal feeder. The hens were already cackling to be let out, but not this day. I threw hay to the lambs and gave a bit to the rabbit. Dutch ran from barn to corral and back again, trying to keep up. He’s always with me when I’m outside.

I spent a few minutes in the barn just watching the chickens scratch the ground and the lambs vie for the best feeder space. I smiled as if I had won the lottery. I could smell the damp compost and freshly turned earth as I walked the farm in the cold mist. Mornings like these are like being in heaven (I think). When all were fed I went inside to fix a pot of tea. I was greeted by the faint scent of the pumpkin spice bread I made last night. Hot tea and warm bread oozing with butter, can morning get any better?

The fog will not last today, but the season will go on.

Yesterday was the Autumnal Equinox, but today is the first day of fall. I am a happy farmgirl!

Pumpkin Spice Bread

½ cup butter, room temp
1 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs, fresh
1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 cup pumpkin puree
½ cup apple sauce
½ cup pecans, chopped

Preheat oven to 350.

Cream butter, sugar and eggs.

Sift the dry ingredients and combine with butter mixture. Mix well, but don’t over mix. Add pumpkin and apple sauce; stir well. Stir in nuts and pour into a buttered loaf pan. Bake 1 hour or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Turn onto rack to cool.

Creative Commons License photo credit: kardboard604