Archive for the ‘In the News’ Category

I found this story in the New York Times and thought you all might enjoy it. Whether seasoned gentleman farmer or suburban homesteading newbie, I think anyone would enjoy learning something new that could benefit their homestead, I know I would. And, what a great way to meet like-minded people.
Read the story here…

earthday2005Cities all over the world will be celebrating Earth Day 2009 throughout the month of April. Although each city celebrates in their own and unique way, most focus a great deal on gardening, self-sufficient living, energy efficiency, composting and the like.

Whether you already homestead on your suburban lot or are thinking seriously about starting, Earth Day gatherings are a wonderful place to meet people who are doing the same. Many celebrations include community garden organizations, gardening clubs, schools, city or county departments, even youth organizations that promote homesteading related topics. All of which can be wonderful resources for new and seasoned homesteaders alike.

Strike up conversations with vendors and community organizations and build your network of knowledgeable people who can help you on your path to a more self-sufficient homesteading life. Gather information about meetings, workshops, seminars and classes where you can learn about homesteading topics you’re interested in.

But, most of all, watch and listen as people you’ve never met talk freely about how they got started, what they do now, their trials and challenges, and how it has changed their life. Use their stories and experiences as inspiration to start your own adventure.

Check out local information to find dates and times of celebrations near you. If your town or city doesn’t hold an event, don’t be shy, go to another city. The goal is to not only educate yourself, but find people you can ask for help or advice.

A word of caution though – the celebrations I’ve attended are teaming with freebies and sale items. From useful tools to free plants you’ll be loaded down by the end of the day, so go prepared with totes and rolling baskets to carry your bootie home. If your Earth Day also includes free compost go prepared with a shovel and buckets, barrels or trash cans to bring home your share of that Black Gold.

Creative Commons License photo credit: MissFancyPants

Growing Up?

Monday, March 23, 2009

A modern day urban farmer uses vertical growing methods to turn small lots into big producers and bring fresh produce to thousands of local residents.

Urban Farmer Sells Affordable Fruits and Veggies, Envisions Skyscraper Farms

When most people think of farms, they think flat, endless fields of corn or wheat in the heartland of the American Midwest.

When former professional basketball player Will Allen thinks of farms, he thinks community centers and, maybe later, skyscrapers.

Allen, 59, is CEO of Growing Power, an organization that built a farm right in the middle of a Milwaukee residential neighborhood to help feed the community’s residents affordably in a practice known as urban farming.

Although the farm is relatively tiny at 2 acres, it can produce enough food to sustain 2,000 people.

“Well, my goal has always been to feed people healthy, safe, affordable food and make sure that everybody has access to the same food, regardless of your economic situation,” Allen told “Good Morning America.”

You can read the rest of the story here.