How to Make Whipped Body Butter

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Body Butter

Winter weather can wreak havoc on a farm girl’s skin. From drying winds to freezing temps to furnace or fire that burns night and day, the effects are all the same. Dry, flaky, itchy skin! Yuck.

Being conscience of the number of chemicals that are in commercial body products and wanting something more organic that could be made in small batches to suit my own needs I decided a DIY body butter project was in order.

In a moment of brilliance I called my friend Sandy who is the homemade body product queen in my area. She has literally made everything from soap to toothpaste to lotion to lip balm all out of natural ingredients on her kitchen counter.

When she finished explaining to me how to make this incredibly nourishing body butter that your skin will love you for I was practically drooling. The recipe sounded more like something I could eat rather than something I was going to smear all over my body. BUT DON’T EAT IT.

The whipped butter is smooth and creamy without a greasy feeling and the basic recipe can be altered to make many different versions, using oils and essential oils that are your favorites.

Basic Whipped Body Butter Recipe

  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup sweet almond oil
  • 10-20 drops of essential oil
  • Small lidded jar (About a ½-pint size. I like to use cute one’s that look great in my bathroom.)


Combine all ingredients, except for the essential oils, in a small pot or double boiler. (I used an old Pyrex bowl set over a pot of simmering water, creating my own double-boiler). Gently melt over medium-low heat stirring constantly until everything becomes well incorporated and liquid.

Remove the bowl and set aside. Allow everything to partially set. It’s ready when you can stick your finger in the bowl, making an indentation that stays. The setting up part is important or your butter won’t whip up well.

When the mixture is properly set, add any essential oils you choose. This is where the fun comes in. You can literally use any oil or combination of oils that strike your fancy. How about a calming Orange-Vanilla or a relaxing and meditative lavender, or perhaps rosemary-mint? No matter which combination you settle on your body will love you for it!

Moving on…when the mix is partially set and the essential oils have been added, use a hand mixer, stand mixer or stick blender to whip the butter into a fluffy consistency and stiff peaks form.

You’re finished!

Spoon the butter into a jar and label it so no one thinks it’s edible because it kind of looks like frosting.

And, by all means…NO LICKING THE BEATERS!

You can store your body butter for about 60 days at room temperature or keep in the fridge. This is nice during the summer when the butter can slightly melt. If that happens simply pop it into the fridge until it sets up.

Now you’re armed to fight Mother Nature all winter long.

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