Come on in and have a seat

Sunday, January 31, 2010

back porch during the day

So we’ve been writing about suburban homesteading for some time now, almost a year actually. And since this site started we’ve met a lot of great people along the way.

People from all over the world take part in all the little triumphs (and troubles) of homesteading. We want you to know we really understand what you all are trying to achieve and hope that in some way we’ve been helpful. To say something on our little electronic soapbox and have people (hundreds a month) read it from the ether is a good feeling. Readers are what turn blogs into communities and not an exercise in self-aggrandizement. Thank you. We think you’re all neat.

So, now we want to ask you a favor. If you read this blog regularly, please respond to this post with a comment about yourself. Tell us where you’re from, what you do, what’s on your homestead, or what your favorite book is. Let us know if homesteading is a future dream of yours or a current reality? What would you like us to write more about? Is there anything we can explain better? The more we know about the people reading the blog, the better we can write stuff you’ll be interested in taking time out of your busy lives to read. (and honestly, there’s so much stuff rolling around our collective heads that it’s hard to think of topics, sometimes.)

But, beyond comments and criticisms, we’d just really like getting to know you. So please come on in, grab a sit, and say hello.

Creative Commons License photo credit: jessamyn

2 Responses to “Come on in and have a seat”

  1. Megan says:

    Hmm… how about your tips for combining a suburban homesteading life with a full-time job or two? What does your weekly day job vs. homestead schedule look like at various times of the year?

    What are common challenges that suburban homesteaders face from proximity to neighbors–and what are the best ways to deal with them? (Personally vested here: I’m interested in eventually having a beehive, but concerned about the neighbors’ reaction to swarming, potential sting allergies, etc.)

    What are some of the best ways to start homesteading on a small scale/how can you gently introduce your family to suburban homesteading?

    Thanks for your requests for input, and thanks for the blog–I’m finding it so inspiring!

  2. SuburbanGirl says:

    I really like your blog and read it all the time. While I can’t do everything you’ve talked about (due to homeowner’s association and zoning issues), I have definitely incorporated a lot of your recommendations into my household. I started a small vegetable garden on the side of my house and went in together on an order of heirloom seeds with my sister. I plan to grow things I can’t find at the grocery store. (Plus, I’ve noticed over the years that the veggies they DO have don’t taste as good as what I remember from childhood).

    One thing that has helped me “homestead” in the city is to seek out other homesteaders who are able to raise livestock (which I can’t) and get some of their yield for my freezer. I now have homegrown, organic rabbit and lamb in my freezer — it’s excellent quality and also makes me feel a little bit part of the process, too. And the food I cook at home now is so tasty!

    Plus, this new focus has really changed my mindset about conservation of everything — money, electricity, water, food and so on. I make fewer trips to town on errands. I keep all lights off in my house except in rooms I’m occupying at that moment. I use every bit of food (and even look for recipes in which I can incorporate small amounts of vegetables/meat left in the fridge).

    While I’m not a full-fledged “homesteader,” I think my mindset has changed radically from reading this blog.

    Thank you for writing it !

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